Crown Shakyamuni Buddha's Gold Gilded Side Portrait.

What are Tibetan Buddhist Statues?

Buddhist statues depict the historical Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, or other spiritual figures such as bodhisattvas, deities, and arhats. Buddhist statues are representations of Buddhist deities. Ancient Religious books of Buddhism had stored iconographic details of Buddhist deities. And all the Buddhist statues made today are based on those details. Bronze, copper, wood, stone, and clay were utilized to build these sculptures. They can be found adorning temples, monasteries, and shrines, as well as being employed in rituals and as meditation items. These statues are treasured in Buddhism as figurative depictions of the deity, bestowing worshipers with blessings and protection. Sacred mantras, elaborate symbols, and priceless stones are frequently used to embellish them. Buddhist statues instill a sense of reverence, calm, and serenity in their surrounds, promoting harmony. Moreover, they serve as poignant reminders of practitioners' spiritual aspirations, inspiring them to persevere on their sacred journey.

These statues are used as an aid for meditation, visualization, and devotion in Buddhism. They help focus the mind, inspire compassion, wisdom, and other positive qualities, and connect with the spiritual realm. 

The beginning of Statues in Buddhism

Reaching back into the tangled webs of time, delving into the ancient period when Siddhartha Gautama walked the earth, it's there that we unearth the roots of the tradition of statue use in Buddhism. Ah! Such humble origins, you'd say, yet so vital to the foundation of a faith that's swept across the globe like a refreshing zephyr. Artifacts - the statues of the Buddha - handcrafted during his living years, assumed more than just decorative roles. Imagine their magnificence, serving as the robust pillars, supporting the faith of his followers, driving their devotions, and sparking their inspirations like a beacon of hope.

buddhist dakini

Click here to view  Buddhist Dakini Vajrayogini Statues

Fearful Consecrated statues

Consecrated figures are considered sacred objects in Tibetan Buddhism and are believed to have the power to bestow blessings, guidance, and protection to those who use them in religious practices. The fear of religious statues should not be there but instead treated with respect and care.

During the consecration rite, the Buddha or other deities first make an image suitable for habitation. That deity's power and presence are then bestowed upon the statue. It is not permitted to utilize a figure in religious rites unless it has been consecrated. Only those who are totally qualified, considered as skilled, proficient in all the ceremonial tasks that must be carried out, steady, calm, wise, patient, honest, and without pretension may officiate at the consecration ceremony. The deity is invited to the statue through the power of meditation, the potency of the ritual, and the devotion of the ceremony's hosts. After being asked, a deity is drawn into the statue to be consecrated, and the ritual procedures seal its presence. The ceremony can be performed in a monastery or a layperson's home. After consecration, the figurine must be kept clean, and the spirit of consecration kept alive through the religious study and practice of those around it.

They are not particularly fearful; it's not like they will harm you in any way, but misfortune might come our way if not taken care of properly. As Buddhist practitioners, we should fear them. Still, in a good way, we may not have little to no mistakes while handling them. And a little fear is not always a bad thing. It makes a person more disciplined, and we will be 1 step ahead of enlightenment if that's the ultimate goal.

 Things not to do after consecrating Buddhist statues.

  • We should never damage or deface the statue in any way, it is an very unholy act.
  • Not use the statue for anything other than its intended religious or spiritual purpose.
  • Don't touch the figure with dirty or impure hands.
  • Not placing the statue in a disrespectful or inappropriate location.
  • Do not take photographs of the sculpture without permission.

Things you will be able to do with consecrated Tibetan deity statues.

  • Visualization practices: Consecrated statues can be used as a focal point for visualization practices. The practitioner visualizes himself as the deity the figure represents and identifies with the deity's enlightened mind.
  • Puja or rituals: Consecrated statues can use in puja or rituals, where offerings are made to the figures and mantras are recited. The purpose of these rituals is to receive blessings, guidance, or protection from the deity represented by the statue.
  • Meditation: Consecrated statues can be used as an object of focus during meditation to help the practitioner to keep the mind stable and to cultivate positive qualities such as compassion and wisdom.
  • As an object of devotion and inspiration: Consecrated statues can be used as an object of faith and inspiration to help the practitioner connect with the enlightened mind of the statue represented by the statue and cultivate a sense of reverence and respect.
  • For protection and healing: Consecrated statues can be used for protection and recovery, as it is believed that the statue's deity can help remove obstacles and heal physical and mental illnesses.

Are you looking towards buying statues with consecration? Our Premium collection of sculptures. 


So, Are The Regular Statues Of Buddhism Useless?

Regular statues, also known as non-consecrated statues, have not undergone the consecration ceremony and do not have the same spiritual significance as consecrated statues. However, we should still treat them with respect and the same care as consecrated ones as we follow Buddhism, and we need to respect every god & goddess statue and murtis. We can use Non-consecrated figures in a variety of ways. Here are a few ways we can utilize regular statues.

You can perfectly utilize your non-consecrated Tibetan Buddhist statue as:

  • Decoration: Regular statues can be used as a decorative element in a room, a garden, or a temple. They can be used to create a peaceful and harmonious environment.
  • Study aid: Regular statues can be used as a learning tool to learn about the various forms of the Buddha, bodhisattvas, and other deities, as well as Buddhist symbolism and iconography.
  • Meditation: Regular statues can be utilized as a focus object during meditation to assist the practitioner in maintaining mental stability and cultivating desirable traits such as compassion and wisdom.
  • As an object of inspiration: Regular statues can help practitioners connect with Buddhism's teachings and develop a sense of reverence and respect.
  • As a reminder: Regular statues can be used as a reminder of the teachings of Buddhism and to remind the practitioner to live according to the teachings of Buddhism.

Never To Do With Deities And Tibetan buddha statues.

  • Not to use the statue for anything other than its intended decorative or educational purpose.
  • Don't damage or deface the statue in any way.
  • Please do not place the statue in a disrespectful or inappropriate location.
  • Never touch the statue with dirty or impure hands.
  • Ask for permission before taking photographs of the statue.


Unlocking The Fullest Potential Of Your Buddhist Statue.

It is vital to understand their significance and how to use them properly. Here are a few tips on how to get the full potential of your Buddhist statues:

  • Learn about the statue: Its history, symbolism, and iconography will help you understand its significance and the teachings it represents.
  • Consecrate the statue: If possible, consecrating it by a qualified teacher or master will imbue the sculpture with spiritual power and blessings, making it more effective in spiritual practices.
  • Use the statue in the proper context: Using it appropriately, such as in visualization practices, rituals, or meditation, will help you get the most out of it and connect with its teachings.
  • Exercise regularly: Regularly practicing with the statue will help you establish a stronger connection with it and its teachings.
  • Handle and care for the statue properly: Treat the figure respectfully and carefully. This includes placing it in a clean and appropriate place, not using it for non-spiritual purposes, and not placing it in a disrespectful position.
  • Do not use the statue as an object of worship: Remember that the statue is not a god or deity but a representation of the Buddha, bodhisattva, or other enlightened beings. It is a tool to help us connect with Buddhism's teachings and cultivate positive qualities.
  • Seek guidance from qualified teachers: Seek advice from a qualified teacher or master who can give instructions on how to use the statue properly and help  you understand the statue's significance. 
  • From Here, you can connect with Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche and get his teachings on Buddhism.


In conclusion, Buddhist statues play an important role in Buddhism as they are powerful objects of devotion and inspiration. They are believed to be imbued with the spiritual energy or presence of the Buddha or other figures they depict. They are used as focal points for meditation and visualization. Creating and consecrating statues is a sacred ritual; treating them with respect and care is essential. The blog has provided an in-depth explanation of Buddhist statues' history, religious significance, and proper handling; it also includes some real-life examples and guidelines, making it a valuable resource for anyone interested in Buddhism and powerful statues. The use of figures in Buddhism is an ancient tradition that is still alive today, and through these powerful statues, one can connect with the spiritual realm and gain guidance, blessings, and protection. Remember, a little fear is not always a bad thing. It makes a person more disciplined and one step ahead of enlightenment if that's the ultimate goal." 


  1. SharpaTulku, and M.Perrott. 1985. The ritual of consecration. Tibet Journal10(2):35–49. 

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