Amitayus Long Life Mantra Sculpture| Himalayan Buddhist Sacred Art



Buddhist Sacred Amitayus Long Life Mantra Sculpture 

The Amitayus Long Life Mantra Sculpture was meticulously hand-carved in Nepal using traditional Himalayan art. The deity is depicted in this statue sitting on a moon disc lotus, holding a vase filled with the nectar of immortality. Copper was utilized in the statue's molding. This has hand-carved beautiful graphic patterns. The statue's two most prominent features are its robe, crown, and body ornaments (necklace, bracelets, armlets, anklets)adorned with valuable corals and gemstones. We hand-carved the patterns and then gilded the figure in 24K gold. To highlight the facial attributes of the deity, we used acrylic paints.

This artwork may be used for various things, including daily meditation or yoga sessions, numerous Buddhist rites, and home décor items.

Size: 15.3"/39cm (Height) x 9.4"/24cm (Base)
Weight: 5.81 kg
Material: 24K Gold Gilded, Copper Body, Acrylic Paintings

Amitayus, of the Aparimitagunasamchaya or Amitavyhavat pure world, is usually shown in his apparitional buddha form (sambhogakaya), red in color, wearing a crown and jewels, and holding a long-life vase over two hands in a meditation gesture. A Buddha is said to have three bodies in the Mahayana Buddhist tradition: a form body (nirmanakaya), an apparitional body (sambhogakaya), and an ultimate truth body (sambhogakaya) (dharmakaya).