

Buddhist Master

6 products

Showing 1 - 6 of 6 products

Showing 1 - 6 of 6 products
Handmade 8.7 Inches Tilopa Statue | The Great Mahasiddha of VajrayanaHandmade 8.7 Inches Tilopa Statue | The Great Mahasiddha of Vajrayana
kagyu-master-tilopa-antiqueKagyu Master Tilopa Antique Statue | A Beacon of Mystical Teachings
tilopa-antique-gold-gildedTilopa Antique Gold-Gilded Statue | A Beacon of Mahamudra Lineage
Tilopa Sculpture | Ancient Wisdom
Sale price$660.00
22.5cm x 20cm +1
Himalayan Buddhist Statue of Tilopa Himalayan Buddhist Statue of Tilopa | Traditional Buddhist Art