Maitreya Buddha and Shakyamuni Buddha

Maitreya, the Future Buddha

Love is the motivation for entering the practice of the Vajrayana. A telling sign that this practice has been successful is its limitless expressio...
Vajrasattva practice

The Vajrasattva Practice for Purification

Vajrasattva, The Diamond or Adamant Vajrasattva, like other Buddhist deities, is opposed to the idea of ego. Consequently, neither "who" nor "what"...
Vajrayogini and Vajravarahi

Vajrayogini and the Naropa Tradition

Mahasiddha Naropa and Vajrayogini The great Mahasiddha Naropa is the lineage holder of the Chakrasamvara tradition. He was once the foremost schola...
Simhamukha | The lion Headed Dakini | Female Buddha

Simhamukha | The lion Headed Dakini | Female Buddha

Your lion face is shocking and black as a storm cloud;You strike terror with your bared teeth shining, tongue lashing, and glare so violent As you ...
Kagyu masters

Guru Marpha and Milarepa | Kagyu Masters of Tibet Buddhism

Guru-Disciple Lineage of Kagyu Tradition Tilopa received the teachings of Mahamudra directly from Vajradhara and Vajrayogini. He received the spec...
Machig Labdron

Mother Machig Labdron And Insights To Her Chod Tradition

Who is Machig Labdron? The renowned female teacher of Tibet, Machig Labdron, depicted as a dancing Dakini. Machig, “Only Mother" or "Great Mother,"...