White Tara

Goddess White Tara: The Compassionate Saviouress

In Buddhist iconography, White Tara holds a profound significance as the epitome of compassion and wisdom. Among the diverse manifestations of Tara, White Tara stands as an emblem of purity, compassion, and longevity. Symbolizing compassion, knowledge, and lasting life, White Tara is a revered figure in Vajrayana Buddhism, a tradition that prioritizes tantra, meditation, and the evolution of consciousness.

Key Points to Remember:

  • White Tara embodies compassion, wisdom, and longevity.
  • Her mantra serves as a potent tool for invoking her blessings and virtues.
  • Practitioners seek healing, protection, and guidance through White Tara.
  • Meditation and rituals dedicated to White Tara are prevalent practices within Vajrayana Buddhism. 

In the realm of Vajrayana Buddhism, the esteemed Sita Tara, or White Tara, takes center stage. This tradition, emphasizing tantra, meditation, and the transformation of consciousness, celebrates White Tara for her compassionate nature, wisdom, and role as a savior guiding beings on their spiritual path. This article delves into the multifaceted aspects of White Tara, unraveling her origins, symbolism, and the rituals that pay homage to her presence.

The Genesis of Goddess White Tarawhite tara statue

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White Tara's roots extend across diverse Buddhist texts and traditions, notably intertwined with the Prajnaparamita Sutras, which underscore the perfection of wisdom. Within these scriptures, White Tara emerges as a manifestation embodying enlightened qualities of both knowledge and compassion.

Legend has it that White Tara originated from a tear shed by Avalokiteshvara, the bodhisattva of compassion. This narrative underscores her profound connection to compassion and her dedication to alleviating the suffering of sentient beings.

White Tara assumes a specific depiction in Buddhist reverence, embodying physical attributes and iconography that symbolize her compassionate and enlightened essence, carrying significant spiritual weight for practitioners. Here's an exploration of the detailed physical attributes and iconography associated with White Tara Buddha:

General Appearance:

  1.  White Complexion: True to her name, White Tara is consistently portrayed with a radiant and immaculate white complexion, symbolizing purity, wisdom, and detachment from worldly concerns—an emblem of her untainted nature.
  2.  Female Form: Depicted as a graceful and youthful female deity, her gender conveys the compassionate and nurturing facet of enlightenment, akin to a maternal figure.
  3.  Elongated Figure: Often portrayed with a slender and elongated body, signifying grace and elegance, her form exudes an aura of tranquility and serenity.
  4.  Two Arms: Typically depicted with two arms, symbolizing her ability to assist beings in a dualistic world—a representation of her readiness to extend help to those in need.

Iconographic Details:

  1. Seven Eyes of Wisdom: Symbolic eyes located throughout her body represent omniscient wisdom, including two on her face for ordinary human vision, a third eye on her forehead for inner wisdom, eyes on her palms signifying awareness and aid, and eyes on her feet representing understanding of suffering in lower realms.
  2. Full-Blown Lotus Seat: Often seated on a fully blossomed lotus flower, White Tara symbolizes purity, enlightenment, and liberation from the cycle of birth and death (samsara), placed above a moon disc denoting the calming qualities of wisdom.
  3. Meditation Posture: Usually depicted in a relaxed seated posture with crossed legs (Vajrayana or padmasana), reflecting deep meditative concentration and inner peace.
  4. Right-Hand Gesture (Mudra): Her right hand extends in the giving gesture (varada mudra), symbolizing her readiness to grant boons and blessings, sometimes holding a white lotus flower representing purity and compassion.
  5. Left-Hand Gesture (Mudra): Her left hand is in the refuge or protection gesture (abhaya mudra), signifying her protective and comforting presence.
  6. Moon Crown: Wearing a crown adorned with a crescent moon, White Tara signifies the calming influence of wisdom and her connection to the lunar cycle, representing the passage of time and the cycle of existence.
  7. Silk Scarf (Sanghati): Occasionally depicted with a flowing silk scarf draped gracefully around her shoulders, symbolizing compassionate protection extended to all beings. 

Attributes and Symbolism: white tara buddhism

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Water Vase (Kalasha): In depictions, White Tara is portrayed holding a vase filled with pure water known as the Kalasha. This symbolizes the nectar of immortality and underscores the purity of her intentions, dedicated to benefiting all sentient beings.

White Parasol: White Tara is depicted holding a white parasol in certain representations. This parasol serves as a symbol of her protection from all obstacles and adversities. It embodies her nurturing and shielding presence, akin to a mother safeguarding her child.

Flowers: White Tara is commonly depicted surrounded by blossoming lotus flowers. These flowers serve as symbols of her purity and convey the profound idea that enlightenment has the potential to flourish within all beings, even amidst challenging and murky circumstances. 

White Tara Mantra

"Om Tare Tuttare Ture Mama Ayuh Punya Jnana Pustim Kuru Svaha,"

The White Tara mantra is a potent tool for invoking her blessings. Breaking down the mantra reveals layers of significance:

  • Om: A sacred syllable representing the essence of ultimate reality.
  • Tare: The seed syllable symbolizes liberation and protection.
  • Tuttare: Represents swift action to rescue beings from suffering.
  • Ture: Signifies the elimination of negative influences.
  • Mama: Expresses a heartfelt request for Tara's blessings.
  • Ayuh: Invokes blessings for a long and healthy life.
  • Punya: Symbolizes the accumulation of merit through virtuous deeds.
  • Jnana: Represents wisdom, encompassing both mundane and metaphysical knowledge.
  • Pustim: Signifies abundance, nourishment, and fulfillment.
  • Kuru: An imperative request for White Tara to bestow these blessings.
  • Svaha: A concluding mantra offering energy and blessings to the intended recipient.

Benefits of Chanting the White Tara Mantra

Chanting the White Tara mantra is associated with numerous profound benefits:

  • Healing: Promotes physical and emotional well-being, alleviating suffering and illness.
  • Longevity: Invokes blessings for a long and healthy life, extending one's lifespan.
  • Compassion: Cultivates empathy and loving-kindness towards all beings.
  • Wisdom: Enhances understanding and supports spiritual growth.
  • Protection: Provides a shield against obstacles, negative influences, and adversity.
  • Purification: Cleanses negative karma, aiding in spiritual progress.
  • Peace and Calm: Brings inner peace, reducing stress and anxiety.
  • Enhanced Concentration: Improves focus during meditation and daily life.
  • Spiritual Growth: Supports progress on the spiritual path, guiding towards enlightenment.
  • Blessings for Others: Devotees chant the mantra to send healing energy and blessings to those in need.

White Tara's Role in Buddhism

Compassion and Healing: White Tara is celebrated for her unparalleled compassion and is revered as a healer. Devotees frequently turn to her to alleviate physical, emotional, and spiritual suffering. The belief in her compassionate gaze holds that it can bring relief, soothe pain, and foster both emotional and physical healing.

Longevity and Protection: White Tara is closely linked to longevity and protection. Seekers of her blessings aspire to attain a long and healthy life, not only for themselves but also for their loved ones. Her protective qualities are believed to act as a shield, guarding individuals from obstacles and harm along their spiritual journey.

White Tara Practice:

  • Meditation: Meditation on White Tara is a prevalent practice within Vajrayana Buddhism. Practitioners engage in visualizing White Tara as a luminous figure enveloped in pure white light, surrounded by an aura of compassion. This meditative practice cultivates inner peace, compassion, and wisdom while invoking her guiding presence.
  • Rituals and Offerings: Devotees engage in rituals, presenting various offerings such as incense, flowers, and food to White Tara. These rituals, conducted with profound reverence, aim to seek her blessings for healing, protection, or spiritual advancement.

In Vajrayana Buddhism, White Tara, the compassionate saviouress, encapsulates the virtues of compassion, wisdom, and longevity. Her teachings and presence provide solace and inspiration to those traversing their spiritual journey. Whether through mantra recitation, meditation, or ritual offerings, devotion to White Tara signifies a deep-seated desire for healing, protection, and spiritual evolution. In the compassionate embrace of White Tara, practitioners discover a guiding light illuminating their path toward enlightenment and the alleviation of suffering for all sentient beings.

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