Guru Rinpoche Padmasambhava

The Life of Lotus-Born Guru Rinpoche Padmasambhava

The Lotus-Born Guru Rinpoche is a fully enlightened Buddha who also has incarnated as one of the Vajrayana Buddhist world's finest sages. He was born mysteriously, and with the strength of his intelligence and compassion, he has helped limitless creatures for millennia. He created the new realm of Zangdok Palri and resided there in the body of light.

Click here to view more: The Lotus-Born Guru Rinpoche.

Guru Rinpoche says: 

People blamed the decadence time culprit of sufferings in the dark ages, but their misdeeds caused the sufferings. (Nevertheless,) the safe places to escape to are hidden lands.

Why is Guru known as Lotus-Born?

Twelve years after the Buddha's Mahaparinirvana, the Buddha of Infinite Light's beams of blessed light hit a lotus in the Milk Ocean, southwest of Bodhgaya. As a result, Guru Rinpoche was magically born in that lotus "without human parents."

While returning from a voyage across the ocean, Indra bodhi, the King of Oddiyana, and his Ministers discovered the infant. The infant was transported to the Palace and enthroned as Crown Prince. They taught all the knowledge arts to the young Prince, and he was well-versed in them. But, before long, he left the Royal Palace to serve a broader number of creatures through mystic teachings and spiritual practices.

The Liberation of Guru Rinpoche

As the young Prince grew older, he used his youthful sport and activities to help countless beings develop. He married the yogini Prabhavati and followed the Dharma to reign the Kingdom of Uddiyana. Being unable to serve people on a large scale properly, he asked for abdicating but got rejected. So, in the middle of a dance, he pretended to let his trident slip from his grip, killing the wicked minister's kid. 

Rinpoche was sent to the charnel grounds after being expelled from the monarchy. He traveled to Saravana (Cool Grove), Nan danavana (Joyful Grove), and Sosadvipa (Sosa Land) to pursue yogic techniques. The dakinis granted him empowerment and blessings, and he ruled over the charnel ground dakinis. Later, he was given supernatural powers by Vajravarahi.

Story of Guru with his Consortguru-rinpoche-with-his-consort- mandarva

Guru Rinpoche met Mandarva for the first time in the Kingdom of Zahor. Lhacham Mandarva was a princess, and her father, Vihardhara, was the King of Zahor, and her mother, Mohauki, was the Queen of Zahor. Mandarva had already been ordained as a monk when she met Guru Rinpoche at 16. She intuitively recognized Guru as a great teacher, and she and her attendants received secret Vajrayana teachings and empowerments in her private rooms.

Mandarva became both the Guru's disciple and consort after earning his initiations. A cowherd noticed Guru Rinpoche instructing Mandarva in her private chambers one day. He subsequently began to spread rumors about it. Her father, King Vihardhara, was also aware of the rumor. He was enraged, and he promptly ordered his troops to punish Rinpoche by publicly burning him alive. Guru has bound him to a heap of firewood. After that, the pyre was lit and soaked with the oil of hundreds of thousands of sesame seeds.

The dense black smoke filled the sky for nine days. The smoke cast a pall over the entire Kingdom. This bizarre episode caught the king and his attendant off guard. As a result, they decided to pay a visit to the location. Surprisingly, the area was transformed into a lake, complete with a carpet of lotus blossoms. There was an open lotus in the center of the lake. After seeing the miracle, they regretted their misdeeds and followed Guru Rinpoche

Click here: Statue collection of Guru Rinpoche

Visualizing Master Padmasambhava

Guru Rinpoche appears as youthful, as if he were sixteen years old, as he is beyond the realm of aging or decay. His face is filled with a smile of joy as he is untouched by pain and sorrow. His loving and powerful, widely open eyes are looking at you and at all, without blinking, as he looks after and sees all with his omniscient wisdom, unconditional love, and boundless power.

His face represents the unification of all phenomenal existence in one pure essence. His five-petaled lotus headgear represents his empowerment by all Five Classes of Buddhas. The lotus headdress and brocade robe were given to him by the King of Zahor also signify his supernatural ability.

He holds a five-pronged golden vajra in his right hand, representing his acquisition of the five Buddha bodies. He holds a skull-cup filled with nectar in his left hand, symbolizing his accomplishment of the path's rewards. The long-life vase indicates his acquisition of immortality with decorations that stands above the skull cup.

Guru Rinpoche Art

What is Guru Rinpoche Mantra?

"Om Ah Hung Vajra Padma Siddhi Hung"

guru rinpoche mantra

The Benefits of Reciting Master Mantra

Guru Rinpoche claimed that reciting the mantra 100 times a day will make you the dearest/beloved of everyone. You will be blessed with plenty of food, cash, and pleasures. It will become a habit if you say the mantra 3 to 7 million times or more. You could achieve a "rainbow-body" (Buddhahood) in this lifetime. Even if you don't, your child-like clear-light will combine with the mother-like clear-light of ultimate nature when you die. Or, at least, you'll see his face in the bardo, and all appearances will be released into their natural state. In Zangdok Palri, you will reincarnate and perform beneficial activities for others.

The Meaning of Guru Rinpoche Mantra

Guru Rinpoche is the Buddha's Embodiment of Body, Speech, and Mind.

Om - The seed letter of the Buddhas' Vajra body. Vajra body is the vast transference rainbow light body.

Ah - The seed letter of the Vajra speech of the Buddha. The union of awareness and emptiness-arising the form of breathing cycle sounds conveys meaning.

Hung - The seed letter of Vajra mind of the Buddhas. The union of awareness and emptiness, the inguinal purity free from adventitious defilements and filled with infinite Buddha qualities (Hung also symbolizes the five buddha pearls of wisdom.)

Vajra: The Characteristics of Guru Rinpoche

It refers to the highest grade diamond. The Master is Guru, meaning "heavy" or "rich in virtuous characteristics." As a result, Guru Rinpoche is a Master endowed with exceptional attributes.

Padma: Guru Rinpoche's name

Part of Guru Rinpoche's name: Padmasambhava or Padma Kara. The Padma means lotus with four meanings, and it is part of Guru Rinpoche's name. They are "Lotus-born" because Guru Rinpoche was born from a lotus, and he attained Knowledge holder ship through the sacred lotus of the Vajra-consort and "lotus quality." He appears in manifested-body, but it remains unblemished like a lotus sprouting in the muck.

Siddhi: The Attainments for Which You Are Praying

It refers to two types of accomplishments or attainments. The eight ordinary powers, such as longevity and healing, and four illuminating acts, such as the action of peace and power, are everyday accomplishments. An uncommon achievement is the realization of Buddhahood, the source of inconceivable enlightened activities that serve all, which is the merger of form and formless Buddha-bodies.

Hung: Wisdom's Heart Syllable Invokes His Wisdom Mind

The three components of Hung represent Guru Rinpoche's Vajra-body: ha + u+ nga. Vajra-speech and Vajra-mind are two aspects of Vajra. When invoke Guru Rinpoche's Vajra-body, speech, and mind gives their blessings, accomplishing joint successes and joining with the unusual attainment, the ultimate triumph, by uttering Hung.

8 Emanations of Guru Padmasambhava

A practitioner can accomplish exactly what they want by practicing on Guru Padmasambhava. Guru Rinpoche's eight emanations' enlightened acts are particularly powerful and efficient in shattering the stability of our dualistic conceptions and fixed beliefs and awakening us to actual freedom.8-emanations-of-Guru-Rinpoche

The eight emanations of Guru Padmasambhava are:

  1. Shakya Senge, "Lion of the Shakya clan"
  2. Pema Gyalpo, “Lotus King"
  3. Nyima Odzer, "Rays of the Sun"
  4. Dorje Drolo, "Vajra Comforter of Beings"
  5. Senge Dradog, "Roaring Lion"
  6. Lodan Chokse, "Guru Possessing Wisdom/Highest Aspirations"
  7. Pema Jungne,
  8. Urgyan Dorje Chang, "Vajra-Bearer from Urgyan"

More on 8 emanations of Guru Padmasambhava

Guru Rinpoche provided almost undoubtedly some of the most valuable insights on Vajrayana practice. Dakini Teachings is one particularly profound set of thoughts.  His "Tens" teachings are highly appraised and boil down practice to its core.

Guru Rinpoche Ten Key Points Teachings

Guru Padmasambhava's stated that every practitioner practicing Dharma must have ten key points,

One must possess key points of,

  1. Unbiased view just like space.
  2. Faith that is unflustered like a river.
  3. Samaya without faults like a crystal ball
  4. Compassion devoid of hatred like the sun.
  5. Craving for Dharma is like one's starvation of food for nourishment.
  6. Generosity without any judgment like a spring of drinking water.
  7. Meditation free from being clarified or clouded like the sky in the morning.
  8. Behavior that is free of adoption or avoidance, such as dogs or pigs.
  9. Fruition, such as arriving there, free of abandonment or accomplishment.
  10. Achieving meaning of life by practicing Dharma instead of focusing on money and ending on lower realms. 

Guru Rinpoche Teachings of 10 Foundations of Training 

Upon practicing Dharma, practitioners must have ten strong foundations of training,

One must,

  1. Overcome with the vision, acquire a comprehension of all the teachings like the garuda bird flying in the skies.
  2. Find conviction in your actions without being scared by anything like an elephant floating into the water.
  3. Practice through the Samadhi, clearing away the darkness of ignorance like lighting a lamp in a dark room.
  4. Achieve the goal by following the directions and unleashing all phenomena in your nature, presumably getting a wish-fulfilling jewel.
  5. Progressively proceed through the empowerments, free of the dread of sliding into samsara just like ascending a royal throne by a price.
  6. Maintain the foundation via the Samayas, without allowing any of your acts to go to waste as if they were fruitful ground.
  7. Liberate your being by learning and becoming proficient in all aspects of Dharma.
  8. Evaluate all sources and learn all philosophical schools of the Dharma as if a bee seeking a hive.
  9. Compress them into a single point, seeing that the many teachings have the same flavor, similar to a trader adding up his winnings.
  10. Gain eminence in knowledge by thoroughly comprehending the meaning of all the teachings, alike topping a mountain summit. 

Guru Rinpoche Teachings of 10 Faults

One must not commit any faults, especially the ten faults stated by Padmasambhava if you genuinely want to have the essence of Dharma, 

  1. If you don't resolve through the vision, you'll have the flaw of not knowing where you'll end up.
  2. You will have the drawback of being unable to link view and behavior if you do not acquire clarity via conduct.
  3. You will not be able to perceive the nature of Dharmata if you do not know how to practice via Samadhi.
  4. You will not know how to practice if you do not achieve the goal through spoken guidance.
  5. You will not be able to practice the Dharma if you do not move through the empowerments progressively.
  6. You will plant the seeds for the hellish worlds if you do not preserve the foundation via the Samayas.
  7. You will not be able to experience the flavor of the Dharma unless you liberate through study.
  8. You will not be able to break through the sectarianism of philosophical systems if you do not compare various sources.
  9. You will not understand the basis of the Dharma unless you reduce them into a single point.
  10. You will not be able to perceive the essence of the Dharma till you attain the pinnacle of knowledge.

Guru Rinpoche Teachings of 10 Superficial

 One can practice Dharma, but it will be superficial. There are many reasons Guru says that Dharma becomes superficial such as,

  1. To be noble without meditation
  2. On reciting the scriptures without faith.
  3. Giving advice that one does not follow oneself.
  4. Being a monk who does not maintain his vows.
  5. Being helpful without understanding compassion.
  6. Being a tantrika who does not follow the Samayas.
  7. Acting generously without liberation from stinginess.
  8. Participating in Dharma if one lacks the core of practice.
  9. Having an abundance of knowledge without practicing Dharma.
  10. Teaching others without oneself being in accordance with Dharma.

Guru Padmasambhava Statue


Guru Rinpoche Padmasambhava Statue

Guru Padmasambhava, also known as Guru Rinpoche (Precious Guru), is a widely recognized figure in Buddhism. The statue embodies a semi-wrathful and resilient demeanor. The two eyes blazes are wide open with an intense gaze. He is depicted on a lotus throne with his right hand holding a five-pronged Vajra. The left-hand rests on his lap with a gesture of equanimity, holding a skull cup. The robes around the Padmasambhava statue are filled with detailed designs, and acrylic paintings. The statue is molded with devotion using traditional methods passed down from ancestors. The body is made up of copper and glided with 24K pure gold. The statue adorned with precious corals and Turquoise on lotus hat, and necklace. It took months and months of hard work to crave the intricate patterns on the statue.      

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