Discover Ratnasambhava, 'Jewel Born,' one of the Five Dhyani Buddhas

Empowering Your Soul: Ratnasambhava Buddha's Radiant Blessings

Ratnasambhava, Rin Chen Jung Den (Tib.), meaning the Jewel-Born Buddha, is one of the five Tathagatas, the Dhyani Buddhas, or the five Meditation Buddhas alongside, Akshobhya, Vairocana, Amitābha, and Amoghasiddhi, each representing distinct aspects of enlightenment. Being the embodiment of the Jewel Family, Ratnasambhava represents the transformative qualities of equanimity (Skt. Samatajnana), generosity, and abundance; in Sanskrit, "Ratna" means jewel, and "sambhava" translates to born or manifested, his name embodies his transformative powers. 

The first documented references to Ratnasambhava can be traced back to the Suvarṇaprabhāsa Sūtra and the Guhyasamāja Tantra, both dating from the 4th century CE. One of the more detailed accounts of Ratnsambhava can be found in the Pañcakara section of the Advayavajrasaṃgraha. It is in the Śūraṅgama mantra, a highly influential dharani within the Chinese tradition, taught in the Śūraṅgama sutra, where Ratnasambhava is mentioned as the host of the Jewel-creating Division in the South, one of the five major divisions responsible for commanding the vast demon armies from the five directions. Subsequently, he appears numerous times in various Vajrayana texts. He is also featured in chapter 9 of Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva Pūrvapraṇidhāna Sūtra, where he is praised as one of the Buddhas. 

Spiritual Significance and Symbolisms of Ratnasambhava Buddha ratnasambhava-buddha-statue

Click here to view Ratnasambhava Buddha Statue

Relating to the compassionate Buddha of giving, Ratnasambhava bestows his blessings impartially, without any discrimination or bias; there exists no distinction or partiality. Regardless of our societal roles, races, genders, or even the diverse forms of life we inhabit,  he embraces all beings, recognizing their inherent worth and preciousness. Through contemplating his wisdom, we cultivate solidarity with all sentient beings, which helps us extend our compassion to all life forms. 

At the core of Ratnasambhava's teachings lies the symbolism of the mandala, a visual representation of the enlightened mind. The mandala is a sacred blueprint guiding practitioners toward awakening and self-realization. Let us delve into the intricate details of Ratnasambhava's mandala and understand its structure and significance. 

Jewel: The jewel is a central symbol associated with Ratnasambhava, representing all beings' intrinsic value and inherent preciousness. Just as a jewel is polished to reveal its innate beauty, Ratnasambhava's teachings guide us to uncover the intrinsic richness and potential within ourselves and others. 

Abundance: Ratnasambhava's domain is associated with plenty in all its forms, including material wealth, spiritual richness, and emotional well-being. By connecting with Ratnasambhava's energy, one can cultivate a mindset of abundance, embracing gratitude, and sharing resources with generosity. 

Equanimity: Ratnasambhava embodies equanimity, the state of maintaining composure and balance amidst the fluctuating circumstances of life. This quality encourages practitioners to accept all experiences, recognizing the interconnectedness and impermanence of phenomena. 

Ratnasambhava Mudra and other iconographies 

Ratnasambhava, the Buddha of Peaceful Appearance, is depicted in iconography as radiating tranquility and serenity or the 'Bodhisattva appearance.' Alternatively, he is also represented in the 'Buddha appearance' time and again. He is often depicted in a vibrant yellow color of earth, although some variations, like a golden complexion, can be found. In his right hand, the deity extends a gesture of generosity, or the 'Varada mudra,' symbolizing his selfless nature and willingness to offer aid and support to all sentient beings. Often in his depictions, he is seated on a magnificent throne supported by horses, symbolizing his noble and regal qualities. Succinctly, his iconography embodies the qualities of peace, abundance, and benevolence, inspiring practitioners to cultivate these qualities within themselves and extend kindness and generosity to others. 

Practice Ratnasambhava Mantra for Spiritual Guidance 

Mantras are sacred syllables, words, or phrases that carry profound spiritual vibrations. When chanted or recited, mantras serve as a vehicle for focusing the mind, invoking divine energies, and deepening one's connection with the enlightened beings they represent. So, since Ratnasambhava embodies the virtues of generosity, stability, and richness of spirit, the mantra serves as a gateway to abundance, self-realization, and spiritual growth. Through the practice of his mantra, individuals can tap into these qualities within themselves, bringing forth plenty of positive energy, compassion, and wisdom. 

"Om Ratnasambhava Tram"

The Ratnasambhava mantra, "Om Ratnasambhava Tram," encapsulates the divine energy and blessings of the deity. By reciting or chanting this mantra with devotion and sincerity, practitioners open themselves to the transformative power of his wisdom, compassion, and abundance. Let us explore the significance of each syllable in this sacred mantra: 

Om: The primordial sound symbolizing the universal essence and the creation. Chanting "Om" invokes a state of unity, harmony, and oneness with Ratnasambhava's enlightened energy. 

Ratnasambhava: The divine name of the Jewel-Born Buddha, Ratnasambhava, represents the embodiment of abundance, equanimity, and generosity. By reciting Ratnasambhava's name, we establish a profound connection with his enlightened qualities. 

Tram: A syllable that serves as a seed mantra, amplifying the power and resonance of the Ratnasambhava mantra. The vibration of "Tram" purifies negativities, awakens dormant qualities, and brings forth the essence of Ratnasambhava's blessings. 

One can participate in the daily recitation of the mantra to invoke abundance and enhance one's sense of self-worth and generosity. Along with chanting the mantra, one should practice meditative reflection by taking a few moments to sit in silent meditation, allowing the vibrations to settle within you. Practice introspection by reflecting upon the qualities of the deity and contemplating how you can embody these virtues in your daily life. During mantra recitation, engage in visualization exercises to enhance your connection with the divinity. Thangka paintings or statuettes of him can help visualize the deity and draw your focus to the meditation. 

The regular practice of the Ratnasambhava mantra brings forth an array of transformative benefits. It cultivates and encourages the spirit of generosity within you and harmonizes emotions allowing equanimity and stability. Daily devotion to this deity can help you attract positive opportunities, prosperity, and material well-being. Through its regular recitation, visualization, and reflection, you can cultivate Ratnasambhava's enlightened qualities of equanimity, generosity, and abundance within yourself. 

The emanation of Ratnasambhava 

Considering that he represents abundance and generosity, it is logical to infer that other deities related to the same attribute confer to Ratnasambhava as their progenitor, given that he is born from a jewel himself. In total, eight emanations of Ratnsambhava originate through his lineage, namely, Jambhala, Ucchusma-Jambhala, Vajratara, Mahapratisara, Vasudhara, Aparajita, Vajrayogini, and Prasannatara. 

According to prior records, Jambhala and Vasudhara predate the emergence of the Five Tagathas, meaning that they were attributed to Ratnasambhava only in the later period. Since Jambhala and his consort Vasudhara likewise are deities associated with prosperity, abundance, and generosity, they were subsequently attributed to Ratnasambhava. However, it is essential to note that there is a division among the Buddhists regarding Jambhala's lineage, with the other division claiming Jambhala to have originated from Aksobhya. 

Let us delve into each of the emanations in more detail. 

Mahapratisara: Belonging to the Pancraksa group, Mahapratisara, also known as the 'eight-armed goddess' aligns herself with Ratnasambhava like the other group members align themselves with one of the five Dhyani Buddhas. She is a bodhisattva associated with Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism and is sometimes portrayed as the consort of Vairocana. She is depicted with four heads and eight arms, emanating a white radiance, while her heads exhibit successive hues of yellow, white, red, and green. 

Jambhala: Well-known Wealth Deity, he manifests from Ratnasambhava's enlightened energy. He is iconographically depicted holding a jewel-spitting mongoose and a citron fruit that symbolize material and spiritual abundance; this can have mild variations throughout depictions. He has a regal appearance, with golden ornaments adorning him to add a sense of opulence and abundance to his presence. 

Ucchusma-Jambhala: This is the wrathful aspect of Jambhala, also known as the 'Black Jambhala.' Iconographically, his depictions include one head with three eyes and exposed fangs. He holds a skullcup and a jewel-spitting mongoose while crushing the god of wealth with his two legs. According to textual sources, Ratnasambhava is adorned with nagas which serve as an adornment piece that fastens his hair.

vasudhara goddessClick here to view our Vasudhara Statues

Vasudhara: Meaning "stream of gems" in Sanskrit, Vasudhara is the Buddhist Goddess of wealth, prosperity, and abundance. She is particularly revered in Nepal, where she has garnered a devoted following among the Buddhist Newars residing in the Kathmandu Valley. She is a significant figure in Buddhist legends and finds artistic expression through various forms of visual art. 

Prasannatara: Often depicted in a companion role to Red Tara Kurukulla, she showcases an independent form characterized by a yellow hue. Standing upon a moon atop a double lotus, Prasannatara radiates with the sun's brilliance. Her left foot treads upon Indra, the right foot upon Upendra, while Rudra and Brahma are pressed between the two. In this formidable stance, she dispels the veils of ignorance.

Vajratara: Widely recognized as Mahachinatara or Ekajati, she is a revered Buddhist deity holding a prominent place among the 21 manifestations of Divine Tara in the Buddhist scriptures. She is depicted with a blue complexion, one head, one breast, two arms, and a single eye; however, these depictions can vary. This Bodhisattva is known by various names such as Blue Tara, Ugra Tara, and Ekajati or Ekajata. 

Aparajita: Representing the fierce aspect of Sri Durga,  the Hindu goddess of protection, strength, motherhood, destruction, and wars, she manifests Goddess Durga with unwavering strength, emerging from the womb of the earth. However, she is also considered a male deity who assumes multiple roles, alternatively serving as a protector or a deity associated with wealth in Buddhism. In various iconographic compendia collections, Aparajita manifests in different forms, exhibiting both peaceful and wrathful appearances and showcasing diverse aspects. 

Vajrayogini: A revered figure in Tantric Buddhism, she embodies the essence of a female Buddha within the Tantric tradition. Vajrayogini holds a significant place in the tantric tradition, captivating practitioners with her wisdom, power, and transformative energy. Often depicted with a fierce expression, she symbolizes the union of wisdom and compassion, guiding individuals on the path to enlightenment.

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