Birthplace of The Shakyamuni Buddha: Lumbini, Nepal

Lumbini Nepal: The Historical Buddha's Birthplace

Around the 6th century B.C., "The Light of Asia, Gautama Buddha," was born in Lumbini, Nepal. The birthplace of Gautama Buddha is mentioned initially as having taken place at Lumbini in the ancient Buddhist text Suttanipata. The scripture states, "Buddhist, the splendid pearl, the extraordinary, is born for good and a blessing in the country of Lumbini." On the full moon day in May, according to the Lalitavistra and other Buddhist literature, Gautama Buddha was born at Lumbini.

Buddha means "awakened one" in Sanskrit. Buddha lived between the period described in the Bible and the time of conventional religion. The day he was conceived in his mother's womb is his birthdate rather than the day he was born. According to Buddhist philosophy, birth is the first instance of awareness that includes the touch of the parent's cells in the mother's womb.

Like other beings of the ordinary world, Buddha had countless lives before attaining enlightenment (Samsara). Thanks to the merit acquired throughout their prior lifetimes, he was reborn in Tushita Heaven. He was born as a "White Banner" Bodhisattva (Shvetaketu). While waiting in Tushita for the appropriate time and place for their final rebirth, bodhisattvas sharpen their virtues. 

This includes the ideal environment, household, caste, and ancestry for the soon-to-be Buddha's perfect rebirth. They are led into enlightenment as Buddhas by their inherent Buddha nature.

In Lumbini's Kapilavastu neighborhood, Bodhisattva Shvetaketu discovered a suitable opportunity for rebirth. Mayadevi and King Shudhodhana governed the Shakya family. All around the nation, they had a reputation for being decent and fair. He picked these two to be his parents after realizing that this was the place of his previous rebirth.shakyamuni-buddha-gold-gilded-statue-nepal

Click here to view our Gold Gilded Shakyamuni Buddha Statue

Since 1997, Lumbini, where Buddha was born, has been designated a World Heritage Site. Regarding religious importance, culture, spirituality, and archaeology, it symbolizes a unique global worth. Lumbini is an important symbol of national pride and a significant destination for tourists and pilgrims worldwide.

During the Buddha's lifetime, Lumbini had a wonderful garden with sal trees in flower. The garden and its peaceful environs belonged to the Shakyas and the clans. The beauty of Lumbini is mentioned in both Pali and Sanskrit literature. It has been said that Maya Devi was mesmerized by Lumbini's breathtaking natural beauty. The Maya Devi Temple, the famed Ashoka Pillar, the ancient monastic ruins, a sacred Bodhi tree, a medieval bathing pond, and the present are all present here. 

Attractions Of Birthpalce- Lumbini, Nepal

Maya Devi Templemaya-devi-temple
The Maya Devi temple serves as Lumbini's hub and focal point. Today, the Maya Devi Temple is undoubtedly one of the most respected Buddhist sites, making it a most sought-after travel destination. Visitors may view the ancient temple platform from the third century B.C. within the contemporary temple.

The sacred garden surrounding the temple is home to the holy pool, ancient stupa ruins, and a gathering of maroon- and saffron-robed monks beneath a Bodhi tree draped in prayer flags. 

Near the Maya Devi Temple are the Pushkarini Sacred Pool and the Sacred Garden. This temple honors the site where Maya Devi gave birth to Gautam Buddha, and it's archaeological remains date to the time of Ashoka, or around the third century BCE. Gautam Buddha is said to have been born in or around 563 BC.

The Nativity Sculpture, the Marker Stone, and the structural remnants, all related to the birth of Lord Shakyamuni Buddha, are all kept there. Prince Siddhartha's birth event is depicted in the Nativity Sculpture, and the Marker Stone pinpoints the exact spot.

Emperor Ashoka built a platform out of burned-out bricks when he returned to Lumbini in the 249th century B.C. to safeguard the Marker Stone and the Nativity Tree, where Maya Devi gave birth to Prince Siddhartha.

Ashoka Pillarashoka-pillar-lumbini
To commemorate Lord Shakyamuni Buddha's visit to Lumbini and mark his birth's location, Emperor Ashoka erected the Ashoka Pillar there in 249 BC. The Ashoka inscription's Brahmi script and Pali language indicate Lumbini as the location of Lord Shakyamuni Buddha's birth and his desire to become a Buddhist.

Given that it possesses the earliest inscription among the Ashoka stone pillars, it was the first to be made. The pillar is a magnetic structure with an inspirational history housed within the serene Maya Devi Temple compound. Archaeologists from Nepal discovered this 6-meter-tall pink sandstone structure in 1896.

The earliest epigraphic reference to the Ashoka Pillar refers to the location of the birth of Lord Shakyamuni Buddha. The text is written in Brahmi script and translated as follows into Pali:

"King Piyadasi (Ashoka), the beloved of the Gods, in the twentieth year of his reign, himself made a royal visit. Shakyamuni Buddha was born here; therefore, the (birth spot) marker stone was worshipped, and a stone pillar was pitched. The lord having been born here, the tax of the Lumbini village reduced to the eight part (only)."

Hiuen Tsang (636 AD) and Fa-hsien, two early Chinese travelers, described Emperor Ashoka building this Pillar in Lumbini (399-413 AD).

Bodhi Tree and Buddhabodh-gaya-tree-lumbini
The Bodhi Tree in Lumbini is located on the property of the Maya Devi Temple, next to the shrine, and next to the serene Maya Devi Pond. Buddhist monks often sit under the tree to contemplate and sing sacred scriptures. The locals assert that wishes made while affixing a rainbow prayer flag frequently come true. The tree is a peepal that is centuries old.

The Bodhi Tree at Bodh Gaya is significant because it was there that the Buddha attained enlightenment and was set free from ignorance, anger, and self-indulgence. The tree is often used to represent the Buddha's whole life journey, including when he surrendered his kingdom, became an ascetic, obtained enlightenment, and started imparting his wisdom to others.

The Sacred Pond1

The Lumbini Maya Devi Pond is a square structure with steps leading down to the water. Directly in front of the Maya Devi Temple, it is located. The mother of Gautama Buddha once took a bath here, also known as Puskarini. In this pond, Buddha took his first bath. The Maya Devi pond is right in front of the shrine and is next to the birthplace of Buddha, which is now a gorgeous temple. Oil lamps are occasionally lighted after sunset to honor the sacred site on the steps around the pond.

On one side of the pond is a well-kept garden with towering trees and lovely green bushes, while on the other, there are ancient ruins from the third century B.C. These ruins are believed to be the remains of stupas and temples from antiquity that were protected by brick pavilions.

Eternal Flameeternal-flame-in-lumbini
The Eternal World Peace Flame is one of the primary attractions of the Lumbini Area, which is located in the center of the garden. Visitors throng to witness the flame, which is glowing round-the-clock. It was lit for the first time to honor the international year of peace on November 1st, 1986 A.D. The flame was purchased from the USA to promote global peace and harmony. From the Mayadevi Temple, it can take 10 minutes to get to the everlasting flame.

Lumbini Monastic Sitelumbini-monastic-site-nepal
One of the most critical locations on earth to grasp Lord Buddha's teachings is the Lumbini Monastic Site. You may learn more about Gautam Buddha's perspective on human existence on this website. There are several monasteries in this area where you may get a thorough education in Buddhism.

A wide variety of Buddhism is practiced in the monasteries in Lumbini Monastic Site, including Theravada, Vajrayana, and Mahayana. The entire site is fantastic, aside from the classes. The serene atmosphere and well-kept grounds devoid of Western influences and commercialization make the Lumbini Monastic Site a lovely place to ponder.

Lumbini Museumlumbini-museum-nepal
One of Lumbini's most prominent tourist destinations is the Lumbini Museum, which has a beautiful collection of more than 12,000 items. The objects displayed at this meticulously preserved site primarily reflect the Kushana and Maurya periods. You may examine historical relics, including terra cotta figurines, manuscripts, stamps, and coins, by going to this site.

The Lumbini Museum was constructed in 1970 by Japanese architect Kenzo Tange, winner of the Pritzker Prize. Along with its substance, this website's exterior design is outstanding. This museum's architecture displays Taiwanese influences. The area surrounding this museum is beautiful. It's a great place to learn about Lumbini's natural heritage.

World Peace Pagodalumbini-world-peace-pagoda-temple
One of Nepal's most famous and alluring peace pagodas is the World Peace Pagoda. This monument is well-known among visitors and was built to promote peace between India and Japan. The milky white color of the imposing edifice makes it stunning.

To view this monument, you must go up two flights of steps. You may also get a bird's-eye view of the region by circling the nearby dome after climbing the steps. Everyone is invited to visit, explore, learn about, and be inspired by the Symbol of Peace any day of the week to follow the path of non-violence and live in peace, which is crucial in today's society.

Lumbini is situated in the Rupandehi District in southern Terai at 105 meters. A person of devotion should visit and observe there to become conscious of and comprehend the nature of impermanence. The area around the property features a diverse natural environment, domesticable fauna, and a favorable climate for agriculture.

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