Gold Plated Statue Guru Rinpoche

Like every precious belonging, your statue needs proper care and safe handling too. Regular maintenance and checkups are always helpful to lengthen the durability of the statues, helping them last longer.

Here, we are discussing a few of the steps that you can apply to protect them. Depending upon the materials used in the statues, the following measures can be applied.

Gold Plated Statues:

For most of our gold-plated statues, the base body is made up of Copper alloy. Once the base is ready, 24K pure gold is plated along the whole body using the traditional method of sculpting handmade statues.

Gold Plated Bodhisattva Statue

Click here to see our collection of Gold Plated Statues

The methods of the gold plating on the body are completely different from the facial part. On the face, more attention to paid to giving a clean and scratch-free surface. Here, the layer of the plating is comparatively thicker than that of the body. Hence, the face of the statue is the most important and sensitive area and is prone to damage when not handled with proper care.

So, what can you do to keep our gold statues safe?

  1. These gold-plated statues are safer when placed indoors at room temperature, avoiding direct sunlight. When placed outdoor, they are more prone to insects and houseflies.
  2. You need to make sure that the area where your statue is placed is completely free of moisture and dust.
  3. The best practice is to keep them covered inside a glass cabinet. Traditionally, they are safely placed high in altars (covered in a glass frame) after being consecrated by the monks.
  4. Do not use your bare hands or any objects with a rough surface to wipe the face. Directly touching with the bare hand objects can smudge the face, leaving scratches.

And most importantly, we highly recommend you to seek help from experts or contact us in case of any damages or queries regarding our gold-plated statues.

Every single statue from our collection is individually hand-curated with the utmost dedication and the purest motivation to help a practitioner in their spiritual journey.

So, they do deserve a little bit of your attention and care!


keeping your gold statues safe



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